Welcome to PROHUNT
Hello! My name is Michal Spalt and I am the owner of PROHUNT POLAND, professional outfitter and guide. My previous occupation was in computer science, however after my first experience in hunting in 2010 everything has changed. I put aside my computer and started
enjoing nature. In several years of hunting I have made strong relationships with hunters around the world who trust me and choose my services. PROHUNT has hosted hunters from Europe (France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Italy) and China, USA, Canada, India and Middle East.
My number one hunts are driven hunts but individual red stag or buck hunting in rut are also amazing and cannot be repeated. Every hunt is different that isΒ why hunting is so exciting.
For a perfect hunt I have travelled around Europe, North America and Asia, I met many passionate hunters, I enjoyed drinking beer and sharing experiences but honestly I love to go back to my home forest.
You can experience an incredible hunt in the Polish forest, where there is no fences and private closed areas. It is pure nature and you, my only work is to make sure that you leave happy with your dream trophy. It is hunting , so you know the game – we cannot give you a 100% guarantee but the hutning club grounds that we work with give the highest rates of success.
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