Great place for fallow stag hunting. We offering their big stags over 3kg. Accommodation is nice hotel near the hunting area or lodge on the area. Depending on arrival date you can mix hunting with red stag. Many wild boars

Individual hunt for roebucks a red stag in this area are special. Big annual hunting plan gives opportunity every hunter to get expected bag of animals. You will stay in renovated nice hunting club house. You will enjoy the food

Individual hunting for big bucks it's just right there. Due to great farmfields the areas are full of quality food with high level of minerals. That influence on good trophy size over 400g. Accommodation is hotel in distance 8km from

Accommodation is hunting club house located in the centrum of the area so you can sleep bit more. Home made food and great hospitalty. Great driven hunt area and professional service. Individually you can shoot stags, hinds, calfs and roebucks.

Wild area far away on country side. If you looking for quiet area and no mobile signal this is the places where you must go. From accommodation place you can hear roaring stags all night! There is possiblity to mix