Another great season is behind us. The winter was very calm, so we expected beautiful trophies in our hunting grounds. We weren't wrong. Even at the beginning of the season in May, we obtained over 25 medal roebucks, which was not possible in previous years. We were also favored by the

In August we went on a trip to Iceland. It was a combination of hunting and viewing the amazing nature on this beautiful island. I was going to write and describe the entire course of the hunt, but I came to the conclusion that a photo report would be the

Amazing vews and great atomsphere - this is in shortcut feedback from out hutning trip for French's chamois (European Mountain Goat). It's long time to describe how demanding, but also how special and tottaly diffrent what we have in Poland, this hunting is. In 2023 we will have another

Those who didnt follow our relations on facebook we are passing few nice stags that have been harvested in September 2022 season. This was great advanture for out hunting colegues. We also have pleasure to welcome few Diana (Polish name for huntres). Biggest stag shot down was over 11 kg

This year was top for roebuck hunting. We hav several guest from USA, Canada and whole Europe. All hunter shoot over 800 roebucks during May's and Rutting time. Some of them come back with medal trophies in reasonable prices. We wecome back in 2023 and now it's time to prepare

After 2 years of the pandemic, we can finally meet among fans of collective hunting. The beginning of the season did not bring the expected results. Hunting in October is always difficult due to the mushroom pickers, the large amount of leaves and the cornfields still lingering in the fields.

After previous cut-off season for this great animal in Poland we had pleasure to guest our hunters in complete list. Everyone was waiting for shooting their bucks almost 2 years. Most of the clubs also make the shooting plan by them selves which not hit on the numbers of population

We all looking forward for the hunts in 2021! We have a pleasure to meet our first guest in May. We shoot very nice roebucks and because in 2020 most of the clubs didnโ€™t sell strong bucks we could enjoy of great trophies on begining of this season. We all

We all just being happy that the situation with covid will be stable. We catch the last moment of rut time to arrange some great stag hunt for out guests. Most of the hunters shoot very nice stags - medal stags. The greatest trophy (10.23 kg) drive to France and

Apart of the global situation that touch all of us the roebucks rut season was very good for our hunters. We shoot over 250 roebucks including over 15% of medal trophies. With pure pleasure we look on sesaon 2021 when we can hunt this great animals during all sesaon from

Today we received very good news from our governement. Borders of Poland will be open from 13th June for all EU hunters. In near future EU parlament want to also open borders for hunters  from USA, Canada and other countries. After turbulences with COVID-19 in May finally we can meet in

According accutal situation which complates our planned huntings in May we informed that rut period will be possible to hunt. Therefore all hunts from may are moved to new dates. All hunts that will not be possible to arrange we guarantee of money back or cover deposit for another hunting

Roebuck sesaon in May coming with big steps. If you still not decided where to go please check on out offers. Our hutning grounds are tested by hunters each season with success. Year by year we notice more and more medal trophies. Use your chance and get nice buck on

December 2019 brought us a lot of successes on driven hunts. Our hunters harvested great stags, some of them with medals, and some of them a lifetime achievement 🥇. We are glad that together we fullfieled your expectations. It was your great work and professionalism, our organisation and beautiful hunting

Rut stag season in 2019 comes to the end. We finishing hunts with great trophies and many satisfied customers. We have pleasure to meet and arrange hunting in Poland for Swedish, Danish, German, French and Belgium hunters. All come back to home with nice trophies and great emotions. Wonderful landscapes

While the roe buck season continues we are already after the most exciting part - the rut. This sesaon we have a pleasure to arrange good hunting for our friend from France, Blegium, Germany and all Scandinavians While the roe buck season continues we are already after the most exciting part

Hello hunting friends on blog! Welcome aboard of our website. We starting with new offers for mid season. Still for driven hunt we have several great places for hunt. Fallow deer season is fully booked. Watch out for good discounts for end of the year!